Dangerous Goods Drums - 35kg, 125kg & 205kg
Multipac offer three packaging containers for Dangerous Goods;
35kg fibre drum,
125kg fibre drum and a
205kg fibre Drum.
All three sizes are certified for 'Class 2' and 'Class 3' solid and powdered products.
The benefits of our Dangerous Goods Drums are:
- Certified 'Class 2' and 'Class 3' for solids and powders
- Environmentally sustainable - paper used is from re-growth forest material
- Fully recyclable

Tags: Packaging for Dangerous Goods Australia, Packaging for Dangerous Goods New Zealand, Dangerous Goods export, Hazchem packaging, Hazmat packaging, Fibre Packaging Australia, Recycle Packaging, Reusable Packaging Australia, Fibre drums Australia and New Zealand, Fibre packaging Australia, Fibre packaging New Zealand.